Riso Merlano


Riso Merlano’s history has its roots in 1950’s Italy, when Nicola Merlano started his rice cultivation business. In rich, fertile lands, Nicola sowed the first seeds of a tradition which would stretch for three generations.

The baton was then passed to Giancarlo Merlano, who, with the same passion and dedication as his father, continued to grow rice, keeping the family’s legacy alive.

Today, Fabrizio Merlano is at the helm of the family business with the same tenacity as his ancestors. His career path is enriched by innovation and progress, but always with respect for tradition and quality.

1995:installation and use of the first Satake plant for processing rice

1998: opening of the facilities for processing rice in Lenta (VC)

2005: start of build of the new facility in Buronzo (VC)

2007: opening of the new facility in Buronzo (VC)

Anno 2018:

  • Amplification of the new facility in Buronzo
  • Construction of new Strahl drying plant (capacity 30 tonnes)
  • Build of paddy rice warehouse (capacity 1,000 tonnes)

Anno 2019:

  • Amplification of new paddy rice warehouse (capacity 1,000 tonnes)
  • Realizzazione Silo per lolla (capacità da 100 tonnellate)

Anno 2021: Incremento impianto di stoccaggio del riso lavorato e realizzazione di impianto di confezionamento big bags

Anno 2022: ammodernamento completo dell’impianto di confezionamento: linea da 0,5/1Kg in ATM, nuova linea 10/20/25Kg con pallettizzazione automatica.

Anno 2023: realizzazione di un innovativo impianto per la conservazione in Co2 del riso ad alta pressione.

…to be continued…

Tradition and innovation


Riso Merlano arises from a perfect marriage between tradition and innovation, it is one of the few Italian companies with complete traceability: the rice is cultivated, processed and packaged directly in our company, using traditional methods such as the husking stone, combined with more state-of-the-art methods which permit the rough rice to be transformed into rice ready for consumption

For us, processing the rice is an art: we select only the best lots of crops, we turn it into paddy rice with the utmost care, placing quality and product safety in the forefront of our activities.

Riso Merlano is a beneficiary of contributions made by PSR 2014-2022 – Regione Piemonte currently in force (PSR = Rural Development Programme), approved by the decision of the European Commission C(2015)745 6 of 28th October 2015 to foster rural development. Rural development constitutes one of the two EU political pillars (RDPs).

Financed through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), it is implemented by means of multi-year Rural Development Programmes which provide for the disbursement of payments or grants for investments in tangible or intangible assets. The same financial aids are used to support agriculture by strengthening its competitiveness on the markets, improving its quality, protecting the environment, managing the land, and creating new education, tourism and cultural opportunities.

This commitment benefits the entire community, through the foods we eat, the environment which surrounds us and the natural resources that help us to live. It is therefore important that not only the agricultural world, but also citizens in general, understand what these interventions are, for what purposes they are financed and what rigorous standards the agricultural company must apply to carry them out.

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